
Bangkok City Lights


During the last 3 1/2 weeks Rob, Holly, Phoebe, Alison & I have traveled to Cambodia and Vietnam. Throughout the whole trip we were able to visit places like Angkor Wat, the killing fields at Phnom Phen, and the war tunnels in Saigon, Vietnam. It was all a lot of fun. On our way back to the center we stopped and spent a few days in Bangkok (since this was the only time we'd really have a chance to see the city) for New Year's Eve, etc. They put on quite the show with all the fire works, etc. From Bangkok we took a sleeper train back up north to Chiang Mai and now we're back at the center awaiting the news to see where we'll be sent next. We never know around here...

Pattaya Beach

Holly & I at the beach.
Life is great!
On our trip back to the center we (Kelly, Holly, Phoebe & I) spent a few days in Bangkok. While there we decided to take a day trip down to Pattaya Beach. It wasn't as pretty as the pictures I've seen of Phuket, but it was still really fun. I'd say this day at the beach was one of the highlights of our Christmas vacation. This is definitely the first time I've been on a beach in the middle of "winter". We had a great time swimming, eating coconuts, and just hanging out.

Temple of the Emerald Buddha

In Bangkok we went on a tour of the "Temple of the Emerald Buddha". There's a large Buddha inside that is actually made out of jade, not emerald. This is the special temple for the king only. The king's palace was right next door but we were unable to go in. Left to right: Jeptha, Michelle (2 missionaries from Laos), Holly, Phoebe, myself and Kelly

Angkor Wat

After visiting Vietnam we came back to Cambodia to see the famous Angkor Wat. We hired a tuk-tuk driver to pick us up at 5 in the morning so we could make it for the sunrise.